Dr. Tenzin Desal is currently a Senior research fellow at the Tibet Policy Institute, researching on “Development in Tibet and Ethnic Policy in China”. He has done his early education from TCV Ladakh and completed his doctoral studies in Anthropology from the University of Mysore. His research interests include Ethnic Policy, Cartography, and Tibetan History. He has written many articles and briefs including Rule by Law: China’s New “Ethnic Unity” Regulation in “TAR” (2020), The Tibetan Tradition of Reincarnation and CCP’s Assertion to Reign Sovereignty over “Living Buddhas” (2019), Another White Paper on “Religious Freedom” to Evade UN Scrutiny (2018), When the Empires Fall Apart: Managing Diversity in Two Asian Giants — An essay (2017), and Dilemma of development: Tibet’s development project and reductionist reading (2015).
